drenched with August light. It was late afternoon and he was old,
past a hundred, but virile, fit, leonine. I loved that my seducer
had lived more than a century and a quarter. What difference

I craved his green cockatoo when I was young, named my Key West
after his, like a parent naming a child "George Washington." He was
not wearing the business suit I'd expected, nor did he have the bored

was snug over robust chest and belly, his golden hair long, his beard
full as a biker's. How many great poets ride a motorcycle? We
were discussing the limits of image, how impossible for word

heartbreak of American boulevards after the slaughter
of sick old beautiful trees. "I have given up language," he said.
The room was crowded and noisy, so I thought I'd misheard.

he turned away, walking into darkness. Then it was cooler, and
we were alone in the gold room. "Here is a poem," he said, proffering
a dry precisely formed leaf, on it two dead insects I recognized

the price sticker on an antique brooch. Dusky red, though once
bright, frayed but vivid. Minute replica of a matador's provocation?
Since he could read my spin of association, he was smiling, the glee
of genius. "Yes," he said, "that is the poem." A dead leaf? His grin was
implacable. Dead, my spinner brain continued, but beautiful. Edge

Not one, but two
termites—dead. To the pleasures of dining on sill or floor joist, of
eating a house, and I have sold my house.
I think of my friend finding
termites when she reached, shelf suddenly dust on her fingers,

a red flag calls up the poem: Blood. Zinnia. Emergency. Blackbird's
vermillion epaulet. Crimson of manicure. Large red man reading,
handkerchief red as a clitoris peeking from his deep tweed pocket—

the leaf was in my hand, and in the silence I heard an engine howl,
and through the night that darkened behind the window, I saw
light bolt forward, the tail of a comet smudge black winter sky.
Honor Moore
"Wallace Stevens" is reprinted from Red Shoes by Honor Moore.
Copyright © 2005 Honor Moore.
and then the world changed and the gods invented internet.

and i can now give it to you, the last three volumes of six, anyway, and arthur wesley dow's teaching manuals, and copies of 'the studio ,' and dorothy lathrop books, and every gift a library might bestow.
libraries tumbled? no; just transferred, maybe, from paper to bolts of light, a comet smudge across a winter sky.
start here.